Thank you to our Contributors:

  • The staff at ATBHK
  • Thomas D. Clark Foundation
  • Muhammad Ali Center
  • Kentucky State University
  • Berea College
  • Kentucky Historical Society
  • Frazier Kentucky History Museum
  • The University Press of Kentucky (UPK)
  • Kentucky Department of Education
  • The Filson Historical Society

Kentucky Black History Video Series

Video resources

Videos by the Thomas D. Clark Foundation

The Negro Spiritual

In “Ol’ Time Religion,” the American Spiritual Assemble provides an overview of the history and importance of the Negro spiritual as anthems of freedom and home. (12 minutes)

Additional Resources:

The March on Frankfort

Kentucky's Civil Rights History

“Living the Story: The Civil Rights Movement in Kentucky” is a KET documentary based on interviews by the Kentucky Oral History Project. It presents the personal experiences of men and women who recall life in a segregated society and the struggle to bring about social justice. (58:332 minutes)

Additional Resources:

The Kentucky African American Encyclopedia

Ali Speaking Out

A new HBO film explores Muhammad Ali’s legacy both in and out of the ring by looking back at his many appearances on the Emmy-winning The Dick Cavett Show. This clip features Ali talking how our culture’s emphasis on celebrity draws attention from those more important matters of social and economic justice and equality. (1:59 minutes).

Additional Resources:

Frederick Douglas

David Blight is the Sterling Professor of History, of African American Studies, and of American Studies. He is the author Frederick Douglass: Prophet of Freedom, which won the Pulitzer Prize for history in 2019. Dr. Blight delivered a lecture on Douglass for the Filson Historical Society in Louisville. (1:10 hours). 

Additional Resources:

Harriet Tubman

PBS Learning Network tells the story of Harriet Tubman, the former enslaved woman who guided others north to escape Southern plantations. A video telling the Tubman story is coupled with lesson plans and additional resources. (4:22 minutes).

Additional Resources:

Covering Civil Rights

The Associated Press, the nation’s leading news service, was on the scene covering the civil rights movement. Beginning with the 1954 Supreme Court decision that ended school desegregation  and concluding with the passage of the Civil Rights Act in 1964, this video examines that crucial decade of the civil rights movement. (9 minutes)

Additional Resources:

A Neighborhood's Past: Davis Bottom

“Davis Bottom:  Rare History, Valuable Lives” reveals discoveries made by a team of scholars about a small, working-class neighborhood established just south of downtown Lexington in 1865.  This our documentary was produced by the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet.  See how Davis Bottom remained a strong, safe, diverse and tight-knit neighborhood through remarkable oral history interviews and family photographs generously provided by current and former residents (1 hour)

Additional Resources:

Her Right to Vote

In this short, animated video,  “A More Perfect Union,” Story Corps features Theresa Burroughs recounting the challenges she faced after she came of voting age and wanted to register: “She had a long fight ahead of her. During the Jim Crow era, the board of registrars at Alabama’s Hale County Courthouse prevented African American people from registering to vote. Undeterred, Theresa remembers venturing to the courthouse on the first and third Monday of each month, in pursuit of her right to vote. (2:51)

Additional Resources:


The Journey Project & Unknown Project

The Journey is a walkable, drivable audio tour we created to share the story of Lucie and Thornton Blackburn, an enslaved couple who escaped Louisville in the 1830s and whose court case helped establish Canada as a boundary to freedom. A virtual option is available for those who cannot experience the tour in person. We worked in partnership with The Unknown Project which is dedicated to uncovering the names of enslaved people and returning humanity to those listed as simply unknown.

Additional Resources:

Underground Railroad & The Civil War

Impactful Kentuckians & the Civil Rights Movement

West of Ninth Exhibition

(Sept 18, 2021 – Sept 5, 2022)
  • West of Ninth Curator tour [WATCH VIDEO]
  • West of Ninth was an exhibit developed in collaboration with bloggers Walt and Shae Smith sharing the history and stories of the people and neighborhoods located in West Louisville.
  • West Ninth Bloggers Walt and Shae Smith on western Louisville stories [WATCH VIDEO]